Example Speaker Proposals

Although the speaker proposal form is not very complex you would be amazed at how many people fail to follow the rules and guidelines. The following are two examples of good proposal abstracts:

Entry One:

“Fast, simple, SMART. Mobile devices have forever changed the way we interact with content. Now we have to consider many things such as HiDPI graphics, responsive design, speed, UI/UX patterns, touch target sizes, gestures, and more. All while not losing track of what’s important: Content.

We’re going to discuss the influence of mobile on design trends and learn implementation techniques of smart design such as icon fonts, svg, and other helpful tips.”

Entry Two:

“Want to be part of the community? Want to learn how you, YES YOU can give back to the WordPress community at large, even if you don’t know how to code?

Follow my journal from mild mannered homeschooling housewife, to well known community member who now works for a leading company in the WordPress ecosystem. Best part? I’ve done it all in my jammies.”

The key element to remember here is that they both are concise but detailed, containing just enough information without revealing who the speaker is by name or URL. Identifying yourself in the proposal abstract is not only bad form but a great way to have your proposal immediately rejected during the anonymous selection process because or your failure to follow the rules. We have included a speaker BIO section on the form for you to tell us all about yourself.


October 30, 31 & November 1 at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge

WordCamp NYC 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!